“The elders know best” is a common phrase. Activist & author Paula Charles and musician & performing artist tracy september both come from cultures where intergenerational dialogue and exchange is of great importance for knowledge transfer, where the elders are revered for the wisdom they have acquired.
Although it is a sentiment that can be corrupted by the systems we live within, it remains a cultural expression of love for the “years you’ve out in”. The two will be in conversation about the shifts and changes in how wisdom is shared and transferred in these times . This intergenerational exchange will explore the complexities of existing in an age where information and knowledge are often incorrectly equated.
For the most part, younger people have the information and the elders have the knowledge. Where is the intergenerational meeting point of shared wisdom? How can this happen in a globalised world full of so called ‘third culture kids’? What could the nature of an emergent expression of this love be today?